
Sunday, September 25, 2011

We Came, We Drank, We Conquered

Well folks, I am back in Florence after a very short and sweet trip to Munich, Germany to celebrate BEER, amongst other things, at the one and only- Oktoberfest!
Yesterday marked my first time for many things, including visiting Germany, experiencing Oktoberfest, drinking beer before breakfast at 9 a.m., drinking beer from a 10 lb. mug, eating a German bratwurst, and never wanting to get off a coach bus more in my entire life.
This whirlwind of a weekend was by far one of the coolest, and an experience that I will remember for many years to come. It went by so fast, I almost feel like it didn't happen. We bused it through the night on Friday, arrived in Germany early Saturday morning, spent the day at Oktoberfest, bused it right back to Italy Saturday night, and arrived in Florence at 8 this morning. Quite the adventure, I know. Let me start with how we got there...

Friday night, my roommates and I packed our bags and headed to the bus station for our 11:30 p.m. departure to Germany. Just in case you were wondering, we dressed in the clothes we'd be wearing through that night/all Saturday/ride home, not wanting to leave valuables on the bus...TMI? Fifty of us students packed into the full bus, and tried our very best to get comfortable, bracing ourselves for the eight hour ride ahead of us. Much to my surprise, there was no bathroom on the bus which got everyone worried about the bus ride back from Germany... the size of my bladder + beer + other drunk people= we've got ourselves a SITUATION.
The man, the myth, the situation.
For the most part, sleeping wasn't pretty difficult regardless of the cramped quarters. After eight hours of traveling, a dead leg, and a severely cramped neck... we finally made it to GERMANY. We were so excited to get off the bus and into the madness. Upon entering...
Sportin' fresh clothes. Yeah, right.
I really had no idea what to expect when getting there. Sure, I've been to an "Oktoberfest" in America, but I know they're nothing like the real thing. I was shocked to see SO many awesome rides, food stands, beer gartens, and beer "tents" (which are essentially huge wooden buildings).
I also wasn't aware  that the good-looking people convention was going on the same day. Seriously, I have never seen so many good looking people in one area.  Everywhere you turned, there was a hot couple, or groups of hot guys and girls dressed up in the traditional German costumes, relishing in their hotness.
The smells throughout the festival were unreal. The sweet aroma of fried dough, and candied nuts mixed with Bratwurst filled the air. Upon entering the city you could even smell the beer brewing.
First on the to-do list? We practically sprinted to Hofbrauhaus, which is the second largest tent and more widely known amongst Americans/tourists. We ordered our first beer (er... stein) outside while waiting in line to get in inside the tent because that's where all the magic happens.

Initial thoughts on the beer? Foamy & beery? I mean, I have nothing else to say other then it was cold, delicious, and tasted like beer.
BEER ME...please
...and it definitely hit me after the few sips. Four beers in one stein+ higher alcohol content= tipsy girl in braids.
Thumbs up, dooood.
Inside was a whole different world.

 We got into the tent around 10 a.m. For the next five hours while drinking we watched chugging contests, wandered around meeting people, devoured roasted chicken, bratwurst, and pretzels, darted the feisty waitresses- hands filled with steins/food, and stood in our fair share of bathroom lines. The music was traditional, loud, and awesome. People were always dancing and standing on the benches (tables=escorted out).

By the time we left the tent, I was more then ready to hit up a ride. I was totally tipsy and totally fearless... you could've taken me sky diving and I probably would've done a gainer out of the plane. A friend and I made our way to the swings for a little joy ride. It was just great.

This morning I received an email from Char that read, "Make sure you take a picture of 'black-out hill'-a hill where everyone passes out on." Well Mom, it indeed is a hill that everyone passes out on.... and I don't know how to say this but... that hill and I are good friends now. Here's your picture (sans Kelsey):
Black-out hill
The hill spreads out along the back side of all the tents. It reminded me of Central Park in the summer, accept that everyone was in a deep sleep rather then sun bathing. We took a nice little power hour nap on that puppy. What? Everyone else was doing it...
The rest of the day was spent walking, eating, and buying souvenirs, all in the midst of hot German boys.
Towards the end of the night, the police and ambulance were kept busy. People were constantly being escorted out of the tents or carried out on stretchers. Drunk boys would surround a tree and pee n'sync. There was a lot of stumbling, laughing, crying- all of which I am accustomed to from going to my fair share of DMB concerts. Twas quite the site.

All in all, Oktoberfest 2011 was an awesome time and will be always be remembered.
No problems with sickness or bladder explosion on the way back home so I guess you can call that successful as well. We got back to our apartment around 9 this morning. Myself and Florence stayed hydrated this afternoon. As it poured outside, I took an excessive five hour nap while throwing back a blue Powerade of sugary goodness. I have yet to move.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Aha how bad did you have to go by the time you got off the coach bus?

  3. Aha how bad did you have to go by the time you got off the coach bus?
